Importing user information

    You can import user information from another AppleShare IP server, or you can create a user file from scratch as long as it conforms to a specific format. If the file is not in the correct format or any field in the file is misplaced, the user is not imported and you'll see an error message.

Importing user files

    To import user information from another AppleShare IP server, you export the user and group information file from that server, then import it to your AppleShare IP 6 server. If you import user and group information from AppleShare IP 5, you will have to add mail settings after you import the file.

    To import user information:
    1 Open Mac OS Server Admin and log on to the server you want to administer.
    2 Press the Users & Groups button and choose Import.
    3 Locate the file you want to import.
    IMPORTANT: You can import user information from previous versions of AppleShare IP into an AppleShare IP 6.3 Users & Groups database only if the files were exported with all of the user attributes selected. If you are importing an AppleShare IP 6.2 file, you can't import any group information.
    4 If your file contains user names that already exist in the Users & Groups Data File, select "Replace the existing user" to override the existing user, or select "Ignore the imported user" to keep the existing user.
    5 Click Choose.

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